Monday, August 12, 2013

Kotaku Extreme GameStop Pricing Leaves Some Fans Calling Scam | Gawker Eradicate Small Dogs Now and

Written By Unknown; About: Kotaku Extreme GameStop Pricing Leaves Some Fans Calling Scam | Gawker Eradicate Small Dogs Now and on Monday, August 12, 2013 ® Kotaku Extreme GameStop Pricing Leaves Some Fans Calling Scam | Gawker Eradicate Small Dogs Now and

Extreme GameStop Pricing Leaves Some Fans Calling Scam

GameStop is charging a whopping $90 for used copies of a Wii game--and it's leading some fans to voice some serious suspicions about how it got… Read…

Eradicate Small Dogs Now and Save the Nation From This Urban Menace

With record numbers of Americans keeping dogs and cats as pets, we are plagued by many unwelcome consequences. House cats are inflicting brain damage … Read…

How To Avoid Going Home With a Douchebag

Recently an Irish website geared toward the collegiate demographic featured a One Night Stand Guide FOR MEN (because if ladies look at it,… Read…

Jackass Judge Rules That Baby Can't Be Named 'Messiah'

In yet another case of religion meets stupidity meets power, Tennessee Child Support Magistrate Lu Ann Ballew changed a 7-month-old boy's name… Read…

How Much Can CNN Get Wrong About F1 Engines, Physics In One Article?

I think CNN must be hiring Amish kids on Rumspringa for its motorsports writers. That's really the only way you could explain the rich, lavish… Read…

The Eight Biggest Speeding Tickets Ever Issued

It's not just the gas prices that are higher these days, the tickets are going up as well. Welcome to our world of extreme speeding tickets. Read…

Kotaku Extreme GameStop Pricing Leaves Some Fans Calling Scam | Gawker Eradicate Small Dogs Now and