Hipsters: they don't buy new cars because that's so mainstream, but they want to go camping surrounded by vintage upholstery. It's a tough call, but our readers believe they've identified the ten ultimate hipster rides.
10.) Jeep Grand Wagoneer
Bad mileage, yes, but apparently, you can get wayfarers with wooden frames in the same color! That settles it! What once was Yuppie is now Hipster.
Suggested By: waveridin1959, Photo Credit: DVS1mn
9.) Citroën Ami
Owen-magnetic isn't nuts about this French car's buyers:
Pretty easy. Citroen built the 2cv for the common man; the french farmer who needed to get his eggs to market over unimproved roads.
But they needed something to sell to dipshit Parisians; men who wear blouses and grow silly facial hair, and women put all their energy into dressing like a sexy hobo mime.
So they ditch the corrugated body panels, make a few modest upgrades and call it the Ami 6. The seats are removable so you can pull them out and have a picnic. HOW HIPSTER IS THAT?
Did I mention that the price was 35% higher than a 2cv? Of course it was, because hipsters have money, they just don't spend on not looking like a homeless.
Suggested By: owen-magnetic, Photo Credit: That Hartford Guy
8.) Dodge Dart Swinger
The browner, the better...
Patrick Frawley:
A beat-ass Seventies Mopar. Not a muscle car, not a luxury barge like an Imperial. A Duster or a Dart with the slant-6. Bench seat for obvious carnal reasons. The automotive equivalent of Salvation Army t-shirts and Grandma's oversized sunglasses.
Dart SWINGER to be exact. Couple of Ramblers thrown in too. I live in hipster hell and the browner, the better it seems.
Suggested By: Patrick Frawley , Photo Credit: Paul!!!
7.) Volkswagen Type 3 Fastback
Having a Beetle or a Bus is so lame...
I'll let LankFroydWright explain:
The most hipster VW is the VW that nobody recognizes; the VW that people look at and think "is that an MG?" You have to go out of your way to find one, and unlike the various type 1's and 2's—numerous beyond the count of tattoos on your barista's body—they are usually well-painted and kept, because you want people to know that you are an aesthete: you have style and while you reject the corporatist control of "new cars" you also reject the dominant paradigm of mere "veedub fanboys". So you buy a Type 3, and you wax it every month, and you polish the chrome with a tiny brush made from vegetable fibers, because meat is murder and plastics are toxins against Gaia. No one understands your genius. No one recognizes your Type 3.
Suggested By: LankFroydWright, Photo Credit: kenjonbro
6.) Plymouth Reliant
A K-Car is a great choice, because they are nerdy and cheap, and a good old Instagram filter can (try to) take care of the aesthetics.
Suggested By: Johnee, Photo Credit: DVS1mn
5.) 1991 Toyota Corolla
Since new cars are murder, Joe_Limon says in reality, most Hipsters are driving something similar to a 90's Corolla.
In 10 years, they will brag about it.
I would say in five.
Suggested By: Joe_Limon, Photo Credit: order_242
4.) Mercedes-Benz W123
W123s can take a lot of abuse, but not a hipster's, says SirNik84:
W123 running on veggie oil. Its old, its cheap yet classy, and it's saving the planet. At least that's what they think. Until the injection pump gives out and the car is at the junkyard with every other car.
Honestly I like some of these people so this is no insult. But really, make it BioDiesel and take the extra care to keep the car from just driving its self into the ground. I live in Northern California, and seriously every hipster person I meet who sees my diesel Mercedes asks "do you run it on veggie oil?" ... "NO".
Suggested By: SirNik84 , Photo Credit: Roger Schultz
3.) Toyota Hiace Camper
Once again, it must be powered by palm/sunflower oil, says POD:
It needs to be able to run on Bio-Diesel. Nothing says Hipster like collecting free frying grease and converting it into fuel. Being an older AWD helps (buying a new car is bad for the planet don't-cha-know?). If you can live in it, then it gets a Hipster gold star.
With that in mind. The Toyota Hiace AWD 3.0L AWD Diesel pop top camper.... preferably with a bike hitch on the back.
I don't think they are terribly cheap, but I've seen hipsters spend some ridiculous amounts of money on things that I would just scratch my head at and walk away from. Plus, you really could live in this, so, no rent. You can be a Hipster squatter moving from public park to public park listening to the latest esoteric bands you've never heard of while writing your food blog and taking bochelicious photos of vintage clothing.
Suggested By: POD, Photo Credit: MSVG
2.) Volvo 240 Wagon
It's a wagon, it's safe, it's great for camping, and it came from Europe. They want it. Our own Matt Hardigree owned one, and he's a Hipster.
Suggested By: RS Hole , Photo Credit: macinjoshdotcom
1.) Saab 900 Cabrio
This is it. Looking for a hipster chick magnet? Get yourself a cool Saab. It's that easy!
Suggested By: thisistheemailiuseforcommenting, Photo Credit: JoeInSouthernCA
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Top Photo Credit: New Girl/ Elizabeth Meriwether Pictures
The Ten Most Hipster Cars Ever Made