Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Watch Anthony Bourdain Go For A Drive With Palestine's 'Speed Sisters'

Written By Unknown; About: Watch Anthony Bourdain Go For A Drive With Palestine's 'Speed Sisters' on Wednesday, September 18, 2013 ® Watch Anthony Bourdain Go For A Drive With Palestine's 'Speed Sisters'

Like all Americans of taste, we can't get enough of Anthony Bourdain, so we were especially pleased to see his new CNN show "Parts Unknown" didn't skip the Speed Sisters all-female racing team when he went to the West Bank. "A car doesn't know if you're a woman or a man."


There's also a nice little bit of handbrake-turn hoonage with an Opel and a Peugeot RCZ.

Watch Anthony Bourdain Go For A Drive With Palestine's 'Speed Sisters'