Saturday, December 14, 2013

Corvette Chase By LAPD Ends With Horrific Crash, Shooting

Written By Unknown; About: Corvette Chase By LAPD Ends With Horrific Crash, Shooting on Saturday, December 14, 2013 ® Corvette Chase By LAPD Ends With Horrific Crash, Shooting

A driver being pursued in Los Angeles for a possible DUI and reckless driving was killed last night after an intense crash followed by a shooting at the hands of police officers. It's not immediately clear what caused the cops to fire their weapons, but fair warning, the video above is quite graphic.

The chase started before 9:30 PM California time, according to NBC, and ended shortly after 10:30 when the suspect was shot. An LAPD spokesperson says that something definitely prompted the cops to shoot, though from the video above it's entirely unclear what that "something" was:

"There was great concern that he was going to hurt someone severely," LAPD Lt. Andy Neiman said...

"The suspect got out of the vehicle and at that point, something occurred that prompted the officer-involved shooting," Neiman said.

We'll update you if we get more information.

Corvette Chase By LAPD Ends With Horrific Crash, Shooting