The price of jet fuel and airport taxes are getting higher, pushing ticket prices up. But you can get the most miles for your dollars so long as you plan ahead, get lucky, or join the military. Here are the cheapest flights, per-mile, our readers could find.
10.) United Airlines from San Diego to Philadelphia
Suggested By: supraphonic
9.) Jetblue from Boston to Las Vegas
Cost/mile: $0.073
Suggested By: scorpio516
8.) Frontier Airlines from Denver to Minneapolis
Cost/mile: $0.071
Suggested By: 472CID
7.) American Airlines from Boston to Los Angeles
Cost/mile: $0.051
Suggested By: gt11
6.) Easyjet from London to Faro (Portugal)
Cost/mile: $0.042
Suggested By: matthewtyzack
5.) Air Asia from Kota Kinabalu to Penang (Malaysia)
Cost/mile: $0.031
Suggested By: cwgtimkv
4.) Ryanair from Dublin to Warsaw
Cost/mile: $0.027
Suggested By: JohnnyWasASchoolBoy
3.) Ryanair from Stockholm to Tenerife (Spain)
Cost/mile: $0.025
Suggested By: In_Sweden
2.) Norwegian from Florida to Oslo
Cost/mile: $0.0219
Suggested By: drift240
1.) Air Mobility Command from Seattle to Osan (South Korea)
Cost/mile: $0.0023
You cannot beat the price of an AMC Space-A flight. I paid $12 to fly from Seattle to Osan AFB, Korea, a distance of 5186 miles.
So it costs 2/10ths of a cent per mile.
You just have to be in the US military to get on board...
Suggested By: Reborn Pyrrhic Photo Credit: Air Mobility Command
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Top Photo Credit: Air Mobility Command
The Cheapest Airline Tickets You Can Buy