Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Come for a drive in/on this 1972 Ford cow

Written By Unknown; About: Come for a drive in/on this 1972 Ford cow on Wednesday, December 4, 2013 ® Come for a drive in/on this 1972 Ford cow

Come for a drive in/on this 1972 Ford cow S

Were you browsing looking for leaked photos of the new Accord-amaro-stang when you saw this post on a '72 Ford cow and wanted to know everything about it?

You're in luck: Autofocus knows everything about it. 'Cause we went for a ride with its owner.

We came across the classified listing for the 14-foot-tall four-wheeled heifer early this year and got in touch with its seller-builder-owner, Toronto, Canada's Jeff Gardner—who, to make an understatement, is an interesting guy.

The guy has some 25 cars – including eight Corvettes and a cube truck with giant purple hands, feet and rolling eyes sticking out of it (his daily driver) – but the two he's the most proud of are the oft-garaged airport-tow-truck-based cow and his mini-ed Mini.

We'll let Jeff explain the history of the pair himself, but if you want even more info on the '72 bovine, check out this walkaround video and/or post your questions below.


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Come for a drive in/on this 1972 Ford cow