Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Ten Best Driving Apps

Written By Unknown; About: The Ten Best Driving Apps on Wednesday, July 17, 2013 ® The Ten Best Driving Apps

While factory car software is getting better and better, there are still some clever apps that can enhance the driving experience.

Be it navigation or music, information or games, here are are your ten favorite driving apps.

10.) XLR8

Ok, so giving your hybrid or electric car a fake V8 soundtrack is pretty stupid and useless. Still, when you're really bored in heavy traffic, it can brighten your day.

Download it here for iOS, or here for Android.

Suggested By: Napop

9.) Ian Hawkins Speed Hud

The Ten Best Driving Apps

It's pretty basic, but it makes TheLOUDMUSIC feel like he is driving a ZR1 Corvette:

I check the option to mirror the screen, and put the phone on my dashboard above the steering wheel for a ZR1 style HUD!

Download it here for Android.

Suggested By: TheLOUDMUSIC

8.) Flitsmeister

The Ten Best Driving Apps S

Sounds German, but it comes from the Dutch, who invented speed cameras. Robkg likes it a lot:

Flitsmeister! Yes, it's a German name, but a Dutch app, it basically gives you all the (mobile) speed camera's, adding one that's not on there yet, just is one touch.

Here we also have speed checks over long distances, during which this app tells you your average speed.

It saves me about 150-200 euro's a month!

Download it here for Android.

Suggested By: Robkg

7.) Torque

The Ten Best Driving Apps S

Digital gauges for everything.

Download it here for Android.

Suggested By: StreetsideStig

6.) Greatest Drive

The Ten Best Driving Apps S

Lappy276 has a tip for those who love to drive:

User submitted sweet road finder.

If you are in an unfamiliar area, you just search for roads nearby, and it highlights and shows reviews for enthusiast type driving.

Download it here for iOS.

Suggested By: Lappy276

5.) Trapster

The Ten Best Driving Apps S

McTurtle helps you with speed limits:

TRAPSTER - tells you your current speed and the speed limit on the road you're on in case you forgot. It also alerts you to cops ahead. It's a pretty handy little app.

Download it here for iOS, or here for Android.

Suggested By:blackpolosandsweaters

4.) Nokia Here Drive

The Ten Best Driving Apps S

For Windows Phone 8, kerc has a data saving solution. But it might not work everywhere:

Nokia HERE Drive. Downloadable maps, so you don't eat up your data access. Very precise directions with street names, night mode, myCommute function for your daily grind (with traffic info), and it even has an alarm when you pass the speed limit. Solid stuff.

However, brass1223 is less impressed:

I don't know what part of US you reside in, but in s. cali, this app sucks balls. example: i live about 5 miles down the 101 freeway. i can take the street where i live down south for 5 miles and i'll hit the freeway. this app, makes me go around. i thought maybe it knows a better rout? nope. it adds over 8 minutes of commute. this happens so often, i stopped using it. i try it out every time it gets an update, but so far, it's been useless.

Download it from here, or go for Navigon instead.

Suggested By: kerc

3.) Spotify

The Ten Best Driving Apps S

Need tunes? Jid M hears you:

I'm almost ALWAYS listening to music, and there is no better music app than Spotify.

It also helps that I have Bluetooth built into my car, so it blares through my speakers from my phone. It's a wonderful technology.

Download it here for iOS, or here for Android.

Suggested By: Jid M

2.) Google Maps

The Ten Best Driving Apps S

When it comes to having the resources to be the best, you can't really beat Google. primalzer is a happy user:

Obvious answer is obvious. Google Maps all day every day.

Really I only use it when I am doing my delivery job, and it makes life a lot easier. Rivals many of the integrated DVD based GPS system found in cars today, and can be transported in your pocket.

Download it here for Android, or here for iOS.

Suggested By: primalzer

1.) Waze

The Ten Best Driving Apps S

Basically, you all love Waze. Dukie - Jalopnik Emergency Management Asshole told us why:

GPS directions, user generated information such as speed traps, hazards, traffic & real time re-routing based on traffic conditions on your route.

The company was just bought by Google, so I hope they don't screw it up, but if they add in Google Map data, it could be really awesome!

Download it here for iOS, or here for Android.

Suggested By: Dukie - Jalopnik Emergency Management Asshole

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Top Photo Credit: Waze

The Ten Best Driving Apps