Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Kid Has Possible Out Of Body Experience In Ferrari F430

Written By Unknown; About: Kid Has Possible Out Of Body Experience In Ferrari F430 on Wednesday, December 18, 2013 ® Kid Has Possible Out Of Body Experience In Ferrari F430

Kids. They're like adults, just innocent and excited about everything in the world. Like this kid who appears to have some sort of awakening to the temple of horsepower in a Ferrari F430.

This ride shows off the power of a Ferrari, even at low speeds, to a young fan. Sure, he thinks he's going fast, but speed is always accentuated for the passenger.

His moaning and excitement clearly shows that he has become a child possessed by the F430's charms and will now be fully engulfed with every aspect of it for the rest of his life.

Better than being possessed by a Lincoln.

Hat Tip to Declan!

Kid Has Possible Out Of Body Experience In Ferrari F430