Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Is this the essence of engine noise? insuranceinstantonline.blogspot.com

Written By Unknown; About: Is this the essence of engine noise? insuranceinstantonline.blogspot.com on Tuesday, October 22, 2013

insuranceinstantonline.blogspot.com ® Is this the essence of engine noise?

I got quite a response to my Alfa Giulietta review yesterday. Most of it along the lines of, "THAT THING ISN'T AN ALFA" and, "You should drive a 4C." I don't think Alfa will ever give me a car again after the Giulietta review.

Anyway, one chap sent me a video of his Alfa 147 GTA exhaust noise, and its 3.2 V6 is quite simply the best engine noise I think I've ever heard.

Is this the essence of engine noise?